Join the Waitlist

Get on the list for Targeted Amino Acid Therapy Training this fall!

Brain chemical imbalances cause mental health symptoms like depression, anxiety, lack of focus, sleep problems and more. You can replenish your brain’s neurotransmitter systems QUICKLY and NATURALLY by using targeted amino acid capsules and other supplements.

Beginning in Fall 2023, I will be offering Targeted Amino Acid Therapy Training for individuals and practitioners.

With this training, you will learn specifically:

  1. Which amino acids and supplements are just right to relieve YOUR symptoms.
  2. Your unique amino acid dose.
  3. Your unique supplement schedule.
  4. When to discontinue use of supplements.
  5. How to maintain brain balance for life.

SIGN UP BELOW to be added to the wait list and receive more information as it becomes available.

Thank you for stopping by! I look forward to connecting with you in the Fall!

photo of Chris Engen

Chris Engen, NC, CRNC2, BCHN